Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!


Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competition! In total we received a staggering number of entries; over 1,300 via the comments and over 2,100 via email!

The lucky winner was…

David Nash – Ringwood; UK

If you entered but didn’t win this time, head on over to the Competitions section later today for August’s competition, which will be equally as exciting!

ToysWorld have teamed up with LEGO to offer our visitors the chance to win all 6 of the brand new LEGO Jurassic World sets!

To enter, all you have to do is tell us your Favourite Dinosaur in the comments box, below, as well as your name and town. You can also email your entry to:

We will pick 1 lucky winner on 1st August 2015 and their name will be posted right here!

Good luck!

The ToysWorld Team

1,352 thoughts on “Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!

  1. To me, definitely the Ankylosaurus: just minding his own business eating plants, but if some predator dared approaching it’d have a hard time getting through that armour and evading that deadly tail club.

    Alexandre Campos
    Barreiro, Portugal

  2. I love the dilophosaurus!

    Looks cute at first but is secretly very deadly! All-in-all, a very cool dinosaur!

    Newcastle, UK

  3. I love the dilophosaurus

    Looks cute at first but is secretly very deadly. All-in-all, a very cool dinosaur

  4. Favourite ever dinosaur has got to be Diplodocus
    Favourite Lego Jurassic World dinosaur is the Indominus Rex
    Berkhamsted, UK

  5. My favourite dinosaur is dilophosaurus. I know it can’t spit poison in real life, but the look and the size makes it a dangerous yet beutiful

    Elias, drammen, norway

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