Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!


Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competition! In total we received a staggering number of entries; over 1,300 via the comments and over 2,100 via email!

The lucky winner was…

David Nash – Ringwood; UK

If you entered but didn’t win this time, head on over to the Competitions section later today for August’s competition, which will be equally as exciting!

ToysWorld have teamed up with LEGO to offer our visitors the chance to win all 6 of the brand new LEGO Jurassic World sets!

To enter, all you have to do is tell us your Favourite Dinosaur in the comments box, below, as well as your name and town. You can also email your entry to:

We will pick 1 lucky winner on 1st August 2015 and their name will be posted right here!

Good luck!

The ToysWorld Team

1,352 thoughts on “Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!

  1. My all time favourite since I was a kid is Stegosaurus, now my kids are into Lego and Dinosaurs this would be perfect.
    Brian, Worthing, England

  2. Archaeopteryx would be my favorite because it touches on many cool aspects of our and dinosaur history: theory of evolution, rise of avian organisms, representative of late dinosaurs; and also shows that dinosaurs didn’t just have stereotypical ‘reptile’ skin, but that variation was rampant by the end of the Jurassic. Pretty cool that all this is represented by one organism.

    Martin Heinrich
    Delta, BC, Canada

    PS: this ‘fella’ was discovered around the same time as Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”.

  3. Pterodactyl because it is very different from most dinosaurs being for 1 able to fly but also were one of the first of what I would call Birds. I always loved the first Jurassic movie and liked the second but now that it is in lego makes me more happy!

    Austin, TX U.S.A.


  4. Steven Speilberg’s Dilophosaurus was mostly fiction. (when it comes to the size, neck frill, and venom spitting) However, the real thing was still a 1000 lb, 20 foot long dino. So, whether you are talking about the “fake” or “real” version, Dilophosaurus would still have to be my favorite dinosaur.

    Caleb Ferreira, Kalona, Iowa

  5. All 3 of my kids are currently obsessed with LEGO Jurassic World video game and the Gallimimus Trap set that was a bonus with the game. They would go crazy over having all the sets!!

    Favorite is the Raptors because the are so clever and they scare the snot out of us in the movies!

    Nashua, NH

  6. I absolutely LOVE all the dinosaurs, (I even have the Jurassic world video game) but three really stand out to me. The Mososaur (Because of it’s awesomeness) the tyrannosaurus rex (the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word dinosaur) and the brachiosaurus (because it has no predators when it reaches its teenage years) But in the Jurassic park and Jurassic world movies, I’d have to stick to the fictional Indominus rex. God Bless


  7. Diplodocus – his long necks any he could see everything – apart from the dinosaurs own demise coming…

    Manchester, United Kingdom

  8. So hard. so very hard. I have to say it’s probably a triceratops. I like the whole parrot beak look.

    Brian Dines

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