Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!


Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competition! In total we received a staggering number of entries; over 1,300 via the comments and over 2,100 via email!

The lucky winner was…

David Nash – Ringwood; UK

If you entered but didn’t win this time, head on over to the Competitions section later today for August’s competition, which will be equally as exciting!

ToysWorld have teamed up with LEGO to offer our visitors the chance to win all 6 of the brand new LEGO Jurassic World sets!

To enter, all you have to do is tell us your Favourite Dinosaur in the comments box, below, as well as your name and town. You can also email your entry to:

We will pick 1 lucky winner on 1st August 2015 and their name will be posted right here!

Good luck!

The ToysWorld Team

1,352 thoughts on “Competition: WIN All 6 LEGO Jurassic World Sets!

  1. Nothing beats the Acrocanthosaurus in my book. It had massive claws which it can use to take down prey many times it’s own size!

    Mike Christian
    Longwood, FL

  2. I have three sons who all love Legos and Dinosaurs! Here are their favorites….
    1) Ricky loves the Tyrannosaurus Rex because “he is king of the dinosaurs and it is related to the American Alligator” (we live in Florida).
    2) Russell loves the Utahraptor because “it looks awesome!”
    3) Liam loves the Velocirator because “it’s super fast!”
    Catherine Snoke
    Winter Springs, Florida

  3. I like the velociraptors! They remind me of my grandkids….always snacking…….LOL!
    Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

  4. Triceratops. He was always the “good guy” when I was a kid, saving the world from the evil T-Rex.

    Woodland, CA

  5. Raptor is my favorite dinozaur because even though its small size is a dinosaur impression as usual, he is one of the most intelligent dinozaurs.With using agility, quickness and intelligence of us saw, Raptor is perhaps the coolest dinosaur discovered.

    Seu Carmen
    Baia Mare, Romania

  6. Not to bandwagon after Jurassic World–if people are even doing that–but Raptors are pretty stinking awesome. I suppose it helped that I knew they were going to be used in JW, but I loved them in JP3, too.

    Watertown, WI, USA

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